Fireflies by Rabindranath Tagore

Richard Johnson Art

Excerpt From”Fireflies”
Rabindranath Tagore

“Fireflies” is a collection of proverbs, aphorisms, and maxims from India, China, and Japan. Collected by Rabindranath Tagore over many years.

My fancies are fireflies,—
Specks of living light
twinkling in the dark.

The voice of wayside pansies,
that do not attract the careless glance,
murmurs in these desultory lines.

In the drowsy dark caves of the mind
dreams build their nest with fragments
dropped from day’s caravan.

Spring scatters the petals of flowers
that are not for the fruits of the future,
but for the moment’s whim.

Joy freed from the bond of earth’s slumber
rushes into numberless leaves,
and dances in the air for a day.

My words that are slight
my lightly dance upon time’s waves
when my works havy with import have gone down.

Mind’s underground moths
grow filmy wings
and take a farewell flight
in the sunset sky.

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