Category Archives: Rumi quotes and poems

Der spirituelle Weg Von Rumi

Die intellektuelle Suche,
obgleich so fein wie Perlen oder Korallen,
ist kein spirituelles Forschen.
Dieses spirituelle Forschen ist auf einer anderen Ebene.
Spiritueller Wein ist eine andere Wirklichkeit.

Der spirituelle Weg bringt den Körper zum Scheitern
und danach läßt er ihn wieder gesunden.
Er zerstört das Haus um irdischen Reichtum
in nichtirdischen zu wandeln,
und mit diesem Reichtum baut es sich besser als vorher.

Music and spirituality:Journey to the depths of the souI:Inspirational Poems & Quotes by Rumi

Omar Faruk – Last moments of Love

The intellectual quest,
though fine as pearl or coral,
is not the spiritual search.
That spiritual search is on another level.
Spiritual wine is a different substance.

The spiritual path wrecks the body
and afterward restores it to health.
It destroys the house to unearth the treasure,
and with that treasure
builds it better than before.

Bring the sky beneath your feet and listen to celestial music everywhere.

We rarely hear the inward music,
but we’re all dancing to it nevertheless
directed by the one who teaches us,
the pure joy of the sun,
our music master.

These songs are flecks of foam upon the surface of the sea, To find where pearls are grown you must dive down into the deep, But in the graceful dancing of these shining floating swirls, We see a faint reflection of the beauty of the pearl.

We have been part of a harmony before, so these moments of treble and bass keep our remembering fresh. Hearing the sound, we gather strength. Love kindles with melody. Music feeds a lover composure, and provides form for the imagination. Music breathes on personal fire and makes it keener.

Don’t worry about saving these songs!
And if one of our instruments breaks,
it doesn’t matter.
We have fallen into the place
where everything is music.

The strumming and the flute notes rise
into the atmosphere, and even if the whole
world’s harps should burn up,there will
still be hidden instruments playing.

So the candle flickers and goes out.
We have a piece of flint, and a spark.
This singing art is sea foam.
The graceful movements come from a pearl
somewhere on the ocean floor.

Poems reach up like spin drift and the edge
of driftwood along the beach, wanting!
They derive from a slow and powerful root
that we can’t see. Stop the words now.
Open the window in the center of your chest,
and let the spirits fly in and out.


‘Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears
Derive their melody from rolling spheres;
But Faith, o’erpassing speculation’s bound,
Can see what sweetens every jangled sound.

We, who are parts of Adam, heard with him
The song of angels and of seraphim.
Out memory, though dull and sad, retains
Some echo still of those unearthly strains.

Oh, music is the meat of all who love,
Music uplifts the soul to realms above.
The ashes glow, the latent fires increase:
We listen and are fed with joy and peace.

Inspirierende Rumi Zitaten,Weisheiten und Gedichten über die Liebe, das Leben und die Spiritualität

Liebende treffen sich nicht

Mit der Minute,in der ich meine erste Liebesgeschichte hörte,
begann ich nach dir zu suchen,nicht ahnend,wie blind das war.
Liebende treffen sich nicht letztendlich irgendwo.
Sie sind ineinander, schon die ganze Zeit über.

Jenseits von richting und falsh

Jenseits der Vorstellungen von richtig und falsch
gibt es ein Feld. Ich treffe dich dort.
Wenn sich die Seele im Gras niederlegt,ist die Welt zu voll,um darüber zu reden. Gedanken,Sprache,sogar die Worte “mit einander” ergeben keinen Sinn.

Wenn Liebe und Geist sich mischen

Wenn deine Liebe das Innerste erreicht,
schießen Erdausbrüche und helle Fontänen in die Luft.
Das Universum wird ein einziges spirituelles Ding,
so einfach, wenn Liebe und Geist sich mischen.


Mit deiner Seele hat sich meine
gemischt wie Wasser mit dem Weine.
Wer kann den Wein vom Wasser trennen,
wer dich und mich aus dem Vereine?

laß die Schönheit,die wir lieben,sein,was wir tun

Wie an jedem anderen Tag wachen wir heute auf, leer und ängstlich. Öffne nun nicht die Tür zum Arbeitszimmer und fange an zu lesen.

Nimm ein Musikinstrument.
Lass die Schönheit,die wir lieben,
in dem sein,was wir tun.
Es gibt hundert Wege,auf die Knie zu gehen
und den Boden zu küssen.


Wir sind der Spiegel und das Gesicht darin.
Wir schmecken in diesem Moment der Ewigkeit
den Geschmack der Ewigkeit.
Wir sind der Schmerz und das, was den Schmerz heilt.
Wir sind das süße kühle Wasser und der Krug,der es ausgießt.

From"Cry Out In Your Weakness" by Rumi

Sergei Trofanov-L’aube (Dawn)


A dragon was pulling a bear into its terrible mouth
A courageous man went and rescued the bear.
There are such helpers in the world, who rush to save
anyone who cries out. Like mercy itself,
they run toward the screaming.
And they can’t be bought off.

If you were to ask one of those, “Why did you come
so quickly?” he or she would say,
“Because I heard your helplessness.”
Where lowland is,that’s where water goes.
All medicine wants is pain to cure.

And don’t just ask for one mercy.
Let them flood in. Let the sky open under your feet.
Take the cotton out of your ears, the cotton
of consolations, so you can hear the sphere-music.

Tear the binding from around the foot
of your soul, and let it race around the track
in front of the crowd. Loosen the knot of greed
so tight on your neck. Accept your new good luck.
Give your weakness
to one who helps.

Crying out loud and weeping are great resources.
A nursing mother, all she does
is wait to hear her child.
Just a little beginning-whimper,
and she’s there.

God created the child, that is, your wanting,
so that it might cry out, so that milk might come.
Cry out! Don’t be stolid and silent
with your pain. Lament! And let the milk
of loving flow into you.

The hard rain and wind
are ways the cloud has
to take care of us.
Be patient.

Respond to every call
that excites your spirit.
Ignore those that make you fearful
and sad, that degrade you
back toward disease and death.

Meditative & Spiritual Reflections & Poetry:I love you,gentlest of ways*Your First Word Was Light*God Speaks to Each of Us by Rainer Maria rilke/I am only the house of your beloved by Rumi/Not With Wings by Hafiz

Wilderness-Adam Hurst

I love you,gentlest of ways
Rainer Maria Rilke

I love you,gentlest of Ways,
who ripened us as we wrestled with you.

You,the great homesickness we could never shake off,
you,the forest that always surrounded us,

you, the song we sang in every silence,
you dark net threading through us,

on the day you made us you created yourself,
and we grew sturdy in your sunlight…

Let your hand rest on the rim of Heaven now and mutely bear the darkness we bring over you.

Your First Word Was Light
Rainer maria Rilke

Your first word of all was light,
and time began. Then for long you were silent.

Your second word was man, and fear began,
which grips us still.

Are you about to speak again?
I don’t want your third word.

Sometimes I pray: Please don’t talk.
Let all your doing be by gesture only.
Go on writing in faces and in stone
what your silence means.

You be our refuge from the wrath
that drove us out of Paradise.

Be our sheperd, but never call us–
we can’t bear to know what’s ahead

God Speaks to Each of Us
Rainer Maria Rilke

God speaks to each of us before we are,
Before he’s formed us then, in cloudy speech,
But only then, he speaks these words to each
And silently walks with us from the dark:

Driven by your senses,dare
To the edge of longing.Grow
Like a fire’s shadowcasting glare
Behind assembled things,so you can spread
Their shapes on me as clothes.
Don’t leave me bare.

Let it all happen to you: beauty and dread.
Simply go no feeling is too much
And only this way can we stay in touch.

Near here is the land
That they call Life.
You’ll know when you arrive
By how real it is.

Give me your hand.

I am only the house of your beloved

I am only the house of your beloved,
not the beloved herself:
true love is for the treasure,
not for the coffer that contains it.

The real beloved is that one who is unique,
who is your beginning and your end.
When you find that one,
you’ll no longer expect anything else:

that is both the manifest and the mystery.
That one is the lord of states of feeling,
dependent on none;
month and year are slaves to that moon.
When he bids the “state,”
it does His bidding;
when that one wills,bodies become spirit.

Not With Wings

Here soar
Not with wings,

But with your moving hands and feet
And sweating brows–

Standing by your Beloved’s side
Reaching out to comfort this world

With your cup of solace
Drawn from your vast reservoir of Truth.

Here soar
Not with your eyes and senses

That turn their backs
On the earth’s sweet stumbling dance
Which needs you.

Here love, O here love,
With your mouth tender and open upon your lover,

And with your heart on duty
To the souls of rivers, children, forest animals,
All the shy feathered ones and laughing, jumping,
Shining fish.

O here, pilgrim, Love
On this holy battleground of life

Where there are bleeding men
Who are calling for a sacred drink,

A gentle word or touch from a man
Or God.

Hafiz, why just serve and play with angels?
They are already content.

Brew your knowledge well for men
With aching minds and guts,

And for those wayfarers who have gained
The rare courageous thirsts
That can never be relinquished
Until Union!

Leave your recipes in golden drums.

Tie those barrels to the backs of camels
Who will keep circumambulating the worlds,

Giving nourishment
To all our tender wondrous spheres.

O here Love, O love right here.
Find your happiness, dear wayfarer,

With your beautiful lips and body
So sweetly opened,

Yielding their vital gifts upon
This magnificent